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Sara Duterte's Tantrums Exposes Her Sense of Entitlement

Vice President Sara Duterte is throwing a fit over the Philippine National Police's (PNP) decision to recall 75 members from her extensive security detail. With a remaining 389 personnel, she still has more than quadruple the number of security personnel compared to her predecessor, Leni Robredo, who made do with just 78 during her term. Not bad for a spare tire.

Duterte's overblown reaction to this reduction highlights her sense of entitlement and inability to accept that she is not above the law. The PNP has stated that there are currently no threats against her, yet she insists on maintaining an army of bodyguards at taxpayers' expense.

Childish Behavior Unbecoming of a Vice President

Critics have rightly labeled Duterte's complaints as "childish tantrums," questioning the necessity of such a large security contingent. Rep. Florida Robes aptly pointed out that her behavior is unbecoming of a vice president, stating, "Kung hindi ka naman bata, bakit ka nagtatantrum?"

Duterte's attempts to portray herself as a victim of "political harassment" are equally laughable. The PNP's decision to conduct a security assessment near her residence is a standard procedure, yet she has chosen to interpret it as an attack on her family.

Confidential Funds Used for Personal Security

The vice president's penchant for excessive security is not limited to her current position. During her time as Education Secretary, she requested a staggering P150 million in confidential funds, ostensibly for "security purposes". This misuse of public funds for personal benefit is a slap in the face to taxpayers and a betrayal of the public trust.

Duterte's defense of these confidential funds is equally troubling. She has gone so far as to label critics as "enemies of peace," a thinly veiled attempt to silence dissent and avoid accountability. This authoritarian rhetoric is more fitting of a dictator than a democratically elected leader.

Comparison to Previous Vice President

In contrast to Duterte's sense of entitlement, former Vice President Leni Robredo maintained a much more modest security detail during her term. Despite facing numerous threats from the Duterte administration, she never resorted to demanding an army of bodyguards or misusing public funds.

Robredo's approach was grounded in humility and a genuine concern for the welfare of the Filipino people. She understood that the resources of the government should be used to serve the people, not to cater to the whims of those in power.


Sara Duterte's tantrum over her reduced security detail is a clear indication of her inability to put the needs of the people before her own. Her sense of entitlement and disregard for accountability are a betrayal of the democratic values that should guide our leaders.

As citizens, it is our responsibility to hold our leaders accountable and to demand that they serve the people with humility and integrity. We cannot allow our government to be hijacked by those who seek to enrich themselves at the expense of the common good.

It is time for Sara Duterte to grow up and start acting like the leader she claims to be. The Filipino people deserve better than childish tantrums and authoritarian rhetoric. It is time for her to put the needs of the people first and to serve with the dignity and respect that the office of the vice president demands.
