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Chinese Aggression Escalates in the West Philippine Sea

The West Philippine Sea has once again become the stage for a concerning incident between the Philippines and China. On August 8, 2024, two Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) aircraft executed a dangerous maneuver and dropped flares in the path of a Philippine Air Force NC-212i maritime patrol plane conducting a routine mission over the Scarborough Shoal. This reckless act not only endangered the lives of the Filipino pilots but also violated international law and regulations governing aviation safety.

A Pattern of Escalating Aggression

This latest incident is part of a broader trend of escalating Chinese aggression in the region. Over the past year, the Philippine government has repeatedly filed diplomatic protests against China's increasingly assertive actions in the West Philippine Sea. These include aggressive tactics by the Chinese Coast Guard, such as ramming incidents, water cannon attacks, and the harassment of Philippine vessels.

The situation took a dangerous turn on June 17, 2024, when Chinese coast guard personnel, armed with bladed weapons, attacked a Philippine Navy resupply mission to the BRP Sierra Madre, a grounded ship stationed at Ayungin Shoal. The assault resulted in injuries to Filipino troops, including a servicemember who lost a thumb.

The Philippines' Response

In the face of these provocations, the Philippine government has taken a firm stance. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has strongly condemned China's actions, describing them as "unjustified, illegal and reckless". The Department of Foreign Affairs has announced plans to file a new diplomatic protest against China over the latest airspace incident.

However, the Philippines must go beyond diplomatic protests and take more assertive actions to protect its sovereignty and rights in the West Philippine Sea. Key steps include:
  1. Enhancing maritime domain awareness and bolstering the capabilities of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and Philippine Coast Guard (PCG)
  2. Deepening defense cooperation with allies like the United States to deter Chinese aggression
  3. Pursuing legal actions against China in international forums to hold it accountable for its violations of international law

The International Community's Role

The international community must not remain silent in the face of China's aggression. Countries that value the principles of sovereignty and international law should take a stand and support the Philippines. This includes:
  1. Publicly condemning China's unlawful actions and urging it to respect international laws and norms
  2. Providing tangible support to the Philippines, such as capacity-building and military aid
  3. Imposing sanctions on Chinese officials and entities involved in maritime aggression
The recent incident involving Chinese military aircraft and the Philippine Air Force is a stark reminder of the ongoing tensions in the West Philippine Sea. China's aggressive actions are a clear violation of international law and a threat to regional stability. The Philippines must continue to assert its rights and sovereignty, while the international community must stand in solidarity with Manila to push back against Chinese expansionism. Only through a combination of robust defense strategies and international pressure can we ensure a rules-based order in the West Philippine Sea.
