The Mismanaged Healthcare System: A Betrayal of the Poor

Hard Lessons And The Truth


Duterte and His Misinformation Apparatus

Over the past few years, we have witnessed how a well-organized propaganda machine was able to manipulate the minds of millions into believing even the most outrageous lies. Way before the elections of 2016, Persident Rodrigo Duterte and his minions carefully set-up an infrastructure that would catapult him to the highest office in the country. With the help of conspiring media personalities, political pundits, and a failed pornstar they were able to control the narrative. They also exploited the popularity of the internet, especially social media in spreading their deception. An audaciously crafted swindle so convincing, more than 16 million ended-up worshiping a demagogue blindly. It was so successful, even self-proclaimed intellectuals got caught into their dragnet and joined their bandwagon.

It all started by projecting Duterte's local fiefdom of Davao City as a haven. They described it as an tranquil locale, comparable to Singapore. It was painted as a model for orderliness and peace. Where one can roam around even at the darkest of nights and not be fearful of anything. A haven where crime did not exist, and government officials are not corrupt. And, all these qualities, they credited to their hard-working, brave, and intelligent city mayor, Rodrigo Duterte. A local crime-busting hero dedicated to upholding justice and good governance. A former government prosecutor with a brilliant legal record.

Of course, those myths have long been debunked. We all know that Davao pales so badly in comparison to Singapore. And, what of the former mayor and current President of the Republic of the Philippines? Everybody should know by now that he's just a bag full of hot, stinking air. His five years (so far) exposed him as a slacker with a sick mind and a fithy tongue. That's it! The exact opposite of the bright lawyer who was deviously presented to the masses in 2016. Yes, it is now obvious, Emperor Duterte has no clothes on!

Lessons Learned From Lies

His self-assigned six-month deadline on his bogus war against drugs was his most madcap campaign promise. Everybody understood that it was an unachievable goal, and yet his fans believed Mr. Duterte could accomplish the feat. After five years and close to 40 thousand dead Filipinos, the lofty objective of ending drug use is still so many lightyears away. His other marquee pledges were just as less successful. The highly promoted build, build, build initiative. The war against corruption. And, that promise to hire only "the best and the brightest" people to his government?

It is a given fact that politicians will make campaign promises. Some would plefge to end poverty. Others would put food security on top of their agenda. We've heard almost every fallacy there is from them. And, yet we often end-up with the liars, the crooks, the incompetent, etc. We all seem to have this fondness for candidates who utter nonsense the loudest. We have this penchant of voting for people who are blatantly unqualified for elective posts. The lazy, good-for-nothing nincompoops who drag the entire nation to the funkiest septic pit. We al need to update our mindset if we are to crawl out of this stinky hell hole.
