The Mismanaged Healthcare System: A Betrayal of the Poor

Duterte And His Goofheads

Duterte And His Goofheads Inquirer
I read the news today, oh boy!

On 01 June 2016, I had an animated discussion with a friend who is a rabid Duterte supporter. We were at the birthday party of a mutual friend, and he was already piss-drunk. Me, I was as sober as a country friar on a Sunday morning. He kept blabbering about the veto on the additional 2000-peso pension for SSS senior members. And, how that solidified his resolve not to vote yellow in May. I tried my best to explain to him how and why it wasn't possible without an increase in the contribution of current paying members. I gave him a lengthy lecture on the effects of the misguided, populist proposal. I did write something like it a year ago in this blog. Being the "tard" that he is; and probably because of the alcohol, he couldn't understand the reason why that couldn't be done. His reasoning was based on the stupidly simplistic, and yet flawed Kamote propaganda.

And, after six months of trying to figure out how they can deliver on their campaign promise. The best and the brightest in the Duterte administration have arrived at the same conclusion. So my question to that friend, and the 16+ million who voted for the Fentanyl-junkie in Malacanan: What change are you daft monkeys talking about? Six months wasted on trying to find something that was already slapped on their thick-skinned faces at the beginning. Half-a-year dedicated solely to kissing the asses of China, the Marcoses, and Gloria Arroyo. Isn't it obvious now that we have regressed from having a totally competent government to enduring a group of bumbling idiots? Isn't it crystal clear now that you were taken on a fantastic ride to nowhere? Everything about the current leaders of our country is a disaster. And, I fear it won't take long until the gullible, slum-dwelling fools who boisterously and violently endorsed the candidacy of this rubbish-mouthed buffoon will start feeling the consequences of their folly. Yes. Change has indeed come.
