The Mismanaged Healthcare System: A Betrayal of the Poor

The Sham Named Rody Duterte

They say, drug pushers and addicts dare not go to Davao. They dare not reap the fury of its saviour and defender, Mayor Rodrigo Duterte. Legend tells of how the good mayor of the city has had criminals, who prey on the folks of the city, executed with extreme prejudice. Troublemakers stay as far away from his turf like they avoid pestilence. The stories associated with Duterte  - and how he made Davao crime-free - has made him a folk hero of sorts. And his status as a tough-talking, crime-busting champion has captured the imagination of the Filipinos.

A story from the Philippine Daily Inquirer on the 28th of November 2015, seems to have put the fabulous tales to question. Davao City isn't actually drugs free! In a press conference, Duterete candidly warned drug pushers in the city to leave Davao within 48 hours or they will be killed. In the same event, he said they have identified the suspects and know their whereabouts. The entire affair presents the Rody Duterte of lore; brash, direct, and fearless. Just days after, city police spokesperson, Senior Inspector Milgrace Driz, reported the exodus of some pushers in the 31st of November 2015 edition of the PDI. To his rabid supporters, this is mission accomplished for the maverick mayor.

But before we pop the corks and hand-out the glasses, shouldn't we look a little closer at this picture? What did the so-called crime-busting mayor actually accomplish here? The logical thing to do would have  been to arrest the "drug pushers" and put them in jail. Or, if Duterte is really as tough as he projects himself to be, eliminate them permanently. Was the whole thing a moro-moro intended to perpetuate his myth? If the presence of druggies did exist, Duterte did this country huge injury. Where will those hooligans head to now? Cagayan de Oro? Dumaguete? Cebu? Metro Manila? Those criminals were given a reprieve! Eventually, they will peddle their wares somewhere else. Lives will be put in danger. All because Mayor Rodrigo "Rody" Duterte didn't have the balls to deal with it when he had the chance.


  1. Yes. This vile creature is a charlatan. He's so full of himself, and that can't be good for anyone; including law-abiding and peace-loving Filipinos. Thank you for this blog, Eldwin Marfil! More people should write and expose this animal.

  2. Tama ka, Eldwin Marfil! Drugs are still sold at the fringes of Davao City. Davaoenos can still access their stuff from there. The illusion is there to be discovered. But, the ignorant masses prefer to believe the magic.

  3. And the carjack syndicates that are based within city limits, but do their crime somewhere? Remember Ryan Yu? Yes. The much-ballyhooed Davao peace and order is a MYTH!

  4. I hope he gets disqualified, die painfully of gonorrhea, then join his master in the pits of hell!

    1. LOL! This is so hilarious. You have some imagination there, girl. Dying of gonorrhea must really be painful.

  5. Why is everyone so obsessed with this douchebag?

    1. If we don't fight back, he could be president; or the new dictator of the republic. Now, you get it?

    2. I don't get it. Dictator? All he's done is kill criminals in Davao. How does that make one a dictator? What I'm originally tried to say to say was, stop adding to the publicity.

    3. The internet is full of resources, my friend. Google will help you get the point.
      Extra-judicial killing is not a hallmark of a democracy. That is how tyrants apply justice. Imagine if the fool becomes president.
      Exposing him, and educating the uninformed is better than keeping silent.

  6. Here's a name that has been barely discussed in the open:


  7. Be careful of what you say here, man. Paolo Duterte is Davao City's best kept secret.

  8. More people should come out with bright commentaries about Duterte and expose him for what he really is. Mainstream media seems to be mum about it, or are just stupid to see beyond the facade.

  9. Sham! I love how that word was used here. Peke... Haosiao... Kolorum...

  10. " balls." I like that.


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