Too Difficult For You Counsel?

A brewing dictatorship. That was how Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato Corona described our current predicament. The CJ wouldn't know what dictatorship would look like if it landed like a fly on his nose. He didn't see this creep up during the term of former President Gloria Arroyo, when his puppetmaster controlled and abused the powers of all three branches of government. These powers allowed Arroyo and her minions from Hades to run the country aground. Where was Corona during those dark days when our democracy was under assault? If it wasn't for the vigilance of the Filipino people, we would still be wading in the mud of Gloria's strong republic. Did Mr. Corona do anything to minimize the greed of the plunderers of the previous administration? Or was he their main sentinel? How dare he say now that he will protect democracy.

The Chief Justice had a lot of nerve to claim he did the nation no wrong. Which nation was he talking about? When you use the power of your office to protect and cover-up atrocities of the past, you contribute and participate in the crime. How difficult is this to understand? But the most waggish thing about yesterday's display is the supposed open participation of trial court judges and employees. They claim to understand the situation. Maybe they do (in their own myopic way). So bless all their pointy little heads. With all their legal swagger and arrogance,they completely miss the point in all this. The issue is about making the scoundrels of the past account for their transgressions. And Mr. Corona has proven that he is not up to the task. His actions have been contradictory to what the people expect of him. That is the reason why he should go.

I agree the Supreme Court is a collegial body composed of individuals with independent opinions. But what if a justice's independence is compromised or is deemed questionable? What if that justice blatantly exhibits that he is beholden to the queen of thieves? Doesn't he bring disrepute to the otherwise honorable institution? Like a gangrened limb, he needs to be amputated to preserve the health of the rest of the body. How difficult is that to comprehend your honors?
